Frequently Asked Questions

In recent years, the consultancy culture has started to regain the importance it deserves all around the world. As Business Mentor Foreign Trade Consultancy, we’ve realized that Turkish manufacturers are truly achieving remarkable results in terms of product quality across various industries. However, they are progressing very slowly when it comes to expanding globally. The main reason for this is that our manufacturers have an excessive workload and are exposed to high levels of risk. We help our manufacturers in this regard and offer their products to the service of the whole world. From now on, our producers will only deal with production. Instead of them, we will undertake all the responsibility and risks together with our professional export consultants.

How is an Appropriate Export Consultant Selected for Companies?
Considering your target countries determined as a result of the company, product review and comprehensive market research we have done for you, one or two consultants with the appropriate language competence for your target market are appointed to your company.
So, do we have a consultant in our team who knows every language or is experienced in every sector?
We can answer this question as follows: Actually, this is not technically possible. The companies we cooperate with; They give us time to learn about the products by giving detailed information about their products. In our Export Consultancy service, we prepare product cards, complete the research of products that can be equivalent and analyze the competitors. In our next meeting, we will proceed with the presentation of these, followed by discussions, to start our efforts. Simultaneously, competitor analyses, industry reports, historical import/export data, and various projects on our part are still in progress. As your export consultant and department, we will always be present within your organization, providing an in full service throughout the export process
Another question that come to your mind is, “How will you understand and sell our product or industry as well as we do, right?
Definitely, the different sectors we choose to work in align with the expertise of our team members.  However, as you would appreciate, our country have thousands of industries operating and each with their own establishments. While it’s not possible to have expertise in every single sector, this is exactly where we aim to assist you. During our weekly meetings, we prefer to allocate a few weeks for product and company introductions.
The companies we partner with provide us with detailed information about their products and allocate time for us to learn about those products. In our Export Consultancy service, we prepare product cards, complete the research of products that can be equivalent and analyze the competitors. In our next meeting, we will proceed with the presentation of these, followed by discussions, to start our efforts. Simultaneously, competitor analyses, industry reports, historical import/export data, and various ongoing projects on our part are continuing.
What is Accurate and Comprehensive Market Research? How Can We Identify Target Countries?
Market research, being the fundamental cornerstone of commencing exports, necessitates accurate and comprehensive execution. This is because market research guides us toward the right target markets for our products. One of the most important advantages of turning to the right target market is that we reach the right customers and use our time and effort in the right market by heading towards the target markets determined as a result of comprehensive market research, rather than spending too much time and effort to export our products to the whole world. As Business Mentor Foreign Trade Consultancy and Project Development, we offer 3 different export consultancy packages that we have presented to you and all of our packages start with comprehensive market research.
How Do We Find Customers in the Target International Market?
In line with the target markets as a result of the detailed market research for your product and sector, firstly, deskwork is carried out. What we mean by deskwork is the identification of suitable B2B websites for your product and sector as part of your export department’s activities, followed by registration processes and initiating communication with potential customers. On the other hand, field research is conducted and visits are made in order to gain the trust of these customers and to reach more customers. In addition to these, we also procure customer lists from export consultancy firms operating like us, with whom we have established direct contact in 33 different countries.
How can I follow the work done for us?
Within the scope of our Export Consultancy service, you can check the work done for you, the e-mails sent from the e-mail address created for us in your company’s e-mail extension, and the weekly situation assessment meetings. It is aimed to facilitate the follow-up of the process and to manage this process together by having the consultants assigned to you work in your office at least one day a week. Additionally, all of our work is uploaded to Drive daily.
How many days and hours of the week will you allocate for us?
To review the daily and weekly activities we have prepared for you, weekly evaluation meetings are conducted once a week. Apart from the evaluation meetings, the consultant assigned to your company provides you with daily reports. Furthermore, during our orientation process regarding your company and products, our meetings can be arranged two or three times a week. During these meetings, the corporate culture of your company and the products are adopted by the consultant, and the details of your products are examined through Turkish/English product presentations. In our export consultancy business model, each consultant dedicates their attention to a single company and, due to our VIP service offering, they engage with your company five days a week. In the background, of course, your company’s customers and the tasks related to the export preparation process are attended to seven days a week. Additionally, you can maintain communication with your consultant 24/7.
What is Mailing Marketing?
In our export consultancy business model, Mailing Marketing is a marketing system we use as a direct marketing tool through the detailed potential customer list we have created. Integrating the Mailing Marketing system into your company ensures continuous and organized business management.
Why is Corporate Social Media Important?
Our Export Consultancy Service starts by fixing any shortcomings in our client company’s international market presence. We enhance aspects like social media, catalogs, websites, and translations to better meet their needs. So why are these arguments important for export? It needs an active social media for the recognition of your company and products in the foreign market, a website with translation alternatives, and a catalog that will introduce your company in an institutional way. All these elements are arguments used in export processes.
What Are B2B Websites?
The term B2B stands for “Business to Business,” which is the equivalent of the English words. B2B and e-commerce refer to the electronic conduct of business relationships that are traditionally carried out between companies. To keep up with digital marketing, a need to join B2B websites has become highly essential for your company to gain recognition and prominence on international platforms. Membership procedures for necessary B2B websites are tailored according to your export consultancy service needs, depending on your product and industry dynamics.
Will You Be There When Our Overseas Customers Want to Visit Us?
When potential customers who wish to establish direct contact with you decide to visit, we will be by your side. We pick them up from the airport and provide them with an impactful presentation, whether at your factory or our office. We also offer support in terms of export and marketing strategies during the factory and product introduction phase. Subsequently, we handle customer follow-up and analysis, and we provide you with detailed reports.
When will I make my first export?
Before we start working with your company, we go through a Company Analysis Process that lasts about 3 weeks with our valued business partners. This process includes company and product analysis, the analysis of the sector where your products or services are located, the analysis of country and world data and reporting to you. As a result of the data provided by these reports, it can be done on the 20th day or on the 120th day, within the scope of our Export Consultancy Service. At this point, the most important factor is patience.
Do You Follow Logistics and Paperwork When the Export Is Realized?
We are in one-to-one contact with the major private customs and logistics companies we work with. The vast experience of the industry is a guide for us at this point. Therefore, together with our business partners, we manage the entire process up to the delivery of your products and intervene in person if necessary. In our Export Consulting business model, we are involved in the whole process, no different from the Export Department.
Will you attend the fairs with us?
Apart from participating in the fairs with you, we will be with you to find the fairs for you and to carry out the organization. In our export consultancy business model, we act with you in all processes and stand by you to ensure that it is carried out correctly.
Will we be able to communicate with you quickly at all times?
365-day export management and 24/7 communication are privileges we provide to all our clients at Business Mentor Foreign Trade Consultancy and Project Development team. Additionally, the intention is for 2 consultant colleagues assigned to client companies to work at your office one day a week and to strengthen the management of this process and communication with weekly status evaluation meetings. Moreover, throughout our Export Consultancy Service, it is one of our fundamental principles to be a cohesive unit with you as team colleagues.
Would Not Being in Ankara Cause Any Issues in This Process?
Your absence in Ankara wouldn’t create any problems for the implementation of our Export Consultancy Service. Having you located outside the city doesn’t pose any issues. The weekly evaluation meetings we will conduct and the 24/7 accessibility of the assigned consultant to you ensure that there are no communication disruptions and contribute to the smooth progression of the process.
Do You Provide the Same Quality of Service to All Companies?
All the companies we work with are highly valuable to us. That’s why we offer a customized service with a VIP approach, catering to a limited number of clients. As an export consultant, we identify all the necessary requirements to enter foreign markets and execute your exports through collaborative efforts. When you work with us, we assure you that you won’t doubt the quality of the service we provide. Business Mentor Foreign Trade Consultancy and Project Development is here for you whenever you need us.
Do You Work with Another Company in Our Industry?
To align with our work ethics, we collaborate with only one company from each industry. We follow this approach to ensure that there are no conflicts and to progress with a well-structured system when dealing with requests from the same sector. We offer you a dedicated export department and consultancy service tailored to your needs. It’s not possible for an export department within your organization to work with another company from the same industry.
Are we the ones paying for the international trips?
As part of our Export Consultancy Service, we take care of the cost for the two overseas trips per year that are included in our service. The trips are organized with the authorized representative from your designated company and our authorized consultant. These expenses are included in the monthly package.
Does the government help with opening franchises abroad?
According to the Ministry of Trade’s guideline for supporting brand and promotional activities abroad, if rental payments covering a period of 6 (six) months or more are made in one go, there is a support payment available. In the Export Consultancy Service we provide, we guide you through this process as well, helping you with questions about setting up franchise locations, renting office-showrooms, mentorship services, determining the right location, and finding out about available support.
What Does Project Consultancy Service Include?
In our Export Consultancy Service content, we manage the entire process, including selecting suitable projects, writing the project twice a year, preparing the project application, monitoring the post-application process, revising when necessary, managing the approved project, and preparing the completed project report. We also regularly track government supports and inform our clients about incentives. Just as we are with you in every step of our Export Consultancy Service, we guide you in the project area as well and offer our project service tailored to your company.
What is Import Consultancy Service and What is Import Consultancy?
Just as we manage your entire export process in our Export Consultancy Service, we also stand by you in case you need import support. We are here to support you throughout the import processes and assist you in all operational aspects. We inform you about the products that need to be imported, which country, company, and logistic network they can be purchased from, and we manage the process together with you.
How Much Will I Export In The 12 Months We Work With You?
As Business Mentor Foreign Trade Consultancy and Project Development, the most basic service we provide to our consulting companies is to increase their existing exports and to ensure that our companies that have never started exporting get a share from the market of 6 countries determined by market research. In addition, our main aim is; It is to earn you approximately twice the cost of Export Consultancy.
What will happen at the end of the 12th month? Will I be able to do export on my own?
According to your request, we can continue working together at the end of the 12 months. However, our ultimate goal is to establish an export department within your organization, enabling you to conduct sustainable exports on your own, and integrate our system into your company’s marketing infrastructure. The personnel recruitment and training process required for this is carried out by us, and at the end of 12 months, you will have learned in detail the path we have already followed. And also; We will share with you all the know-how that will guide you for your industry and product. In this process, you have no doubt that we will be by your side as ‘Business Mentor Foreign Trade and Project Development’ whenever you need your export consultant.
Can I Export Without Getting Consultancy From You?
Of course, you can export without obtaining Export Consultancy Services from us or another company. However, the main purpose of the Export Consultancy Service that we offer you is not basic and solely exports. If you also want to establish your presence in a trade model without borders, your focus should not be solely on a basic export model, but rather on a sustainable and high-quality export model. After detailing all the preparation processes, what you need to do is to take action. You can also export yourself by consulting an expert before taking action. It is possible to basically export without obtaining an export consultancy.